I have quite a few pics to come. But while I was scanning them in I thought of some other names - Ian Boorman, Ron Holmes, John Last, KelvinXXX. Do these seem right to you?
Hi Terry, what a great job you've done with this. I'm afraid your memory is better than mine i can remember a lot of the faces and a lot of the names but can't match one to the other without help. I am at a disadvantage as I only spent '65 at the juniorate and left the nov in March or April. I don't have any photos from that time but when I work out how to use this properly (need help) I'll upload a current photo and add a profile. Cheers Ian Boorman
Hi Terry, what a great job you've done with this. I'm afraid your memory is better than mine i can remember a lot of the faces and a lot of the names but can't match one to the other without help. I am at a disadvantage as I only spent '65 at the juniorate and left the nov in March or April. I don't have any photos from that time but when I work out how to use this properly (need help) I'll upload a current photo and add a profile. Cheers Ian Boorman